torsdag 21 augusti 2014

Best of 2014 so far

Tjugo grymt bra skivor som kommit under 2014 (utan inbördes rangordning):

Ceremony: Birds EP
Cheatahs: s/t
Coffinworm: IV.I.VIII
Godflesh: Decline and Fall EP
Hexis: Abalam
Indian: From All Purity
Iskald: Nedom og Nord
Kriegsmaschine: Enemy of Man
Lord Mantis: The Death Mask
Mutilation Rites: Harbringer
Nothing: Guilty of Everything
Paramnesia: s/t
Planning For Burial: Desideratum
Puteraeon: The Crawling Chaos
Sargeist: Feeding The Crawling Shadows
Svarttjern: Ultimatum Necrophilia
Twilight: III: Beneath The Trident's Tomb
Vanhelgd: Relics Of Sulphur Salvation
Woods of Desolation: As The Stars
Yob: Clearing The Path To Ascend

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